ComAfrique Limited Sponsored the Village of Jakoi Gibbirick
TATA Africa Sponsored the Village of Battendeng
H E President Yahya Jammeh Sponsored the Villages of Bujhinga and Jirramba
Right Choice Supermarket Sponsored the Village of Kallang
Mr Ram Aswani of Right Choice Handiing over Lights to Resident
First International Bank (FIB) has sponsored Two Villages - SANTABA & BUNN BORR
Western India Cashew Company has sponsored ONE Village - TAIBATHU
TRUST Bank have sponsored ONE Village - BUJHILLING (Implementation this week)
The U S Embassy have sponsored TWO Villages - JUFFEREH & ALBREDA ( Awaiting Clearance)
ComAfrique & KGN have sponsored ONE Village.(Awaiting Nomination)
TRUST Bank have sponsored ONE Village - BUJHILLING (Implementation this week)
The U S Embassy have sponsored TWO Villages - JUFFEREH & ALBREDA ( Awaiting Clearance)
ComAfrique & KGN have sponsored ONE Village.(Awaiting Nomination)